Classifieds Scam Warning! Poyle GB Fed Ex

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What is up with the Fed Ex people in Poyle GB. Every single scam from the TSN Scams Page has involved a Fed Ex from Poyle GB.

Scam Number 1 from Scott Jills

Scam Number 2 from Rollex Cage

Scam Number 3 from Smith John... completed, being written up...

Scam Number 4 from Wiltord... in progress...

I contacted Fed Ex about this and one of their security specialists emailed me back requesting the tracking numbers. I supplied those and also sent a list of other people who had reported scams originating from the Poyle GB Fed Ex office since the beginning of the year. Here is that list.

June 2003:

April 2003:

March 2003: 836828870819

January 2003: 837383359060

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