News Alert

\n"; print "

Serial Speeder $f $l Arrested

\n"; print "
echo date ("F j Y");
print "\n
\n"; print "

\n"; print "\n"; print "$city, ($state) -- $f $l was detained and then arrested by state police officers after a 25 mph speed chase in a 15 mph zone.\n"; print " The chase lasted nearly 25 seconds and was ended when $l pulled the car off to the side of the road. Police Office Gary Smith participated in the chase and executed the pull over. \"We thought we had $l when the car came to the stop sign 100 yards back, but the suspect made a complete stop, so we had to wait until the 15 mph zone. We put that fancy Saab down pretty quickly, I'll say that much. The residents of $city will rest easy tonight.\"\n"; print "

\n"; print "A history of repeated speed abuses\n"; print "

\n"; print "According to authorities, $l had a long record of speed abuses ranging from 3 to 9 mph over the limit, but this was the first time speeds in the double digits had been recorded. Also noted was the fact that Saab owners record the fastest speeds on Massachusetts highways and all Saab drivers are the same even if they are in $state.\n"; print "

\n"; print "
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\n"; include ('/home/httpd/htdocs/tsn/tsnmap.txt'); ?>