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Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 16:43:33 +0100
From: "James Borden" <>
Subject: Re: some 900T16 questions...

The spoiler was an optional extra from SAAB, obviously fitted when the car was purchased (new). As for the other questions, sorry I cannot help. ben.g <"ben.gurion"nopsamnet> wrote in message <3751C20E.4564FE00nopsamnet>... Hi there, got a few questions regarding my ī88 900S Turbo 16V: 1. the exhaust manyfold has a little crack of about 1,5 centimeters, which is pretty visible, but seems not to be leaking so far. Iīve been told welding it was not possible, or would lead to even more cracks. True or not ?! 2. the turbo seems to be dying. itīs not been reaching the red apc-zone anymore for quite some time now, and even increasing the base-boost helped only a little while. By now the car is going _only_ 200km/h compared to a former 220 just month ago. Also the boost is quite unstable. When accelerating hard, you can see the needle jumping back and forth a little (2-3mm aprox.) and feel the change in accele- ration plus before i donīt do some of those bootings, the boost is _really_ weak. I guess a genuine Saab replacement turbo would break my neck, so does anybody know a cheaper place/way to get a new or rebuild turbo here in EUROPE ?! 3. My 900 seems to be a normal S model, with those 3-spoke rims, side panels, and so on...except for itīs strange big spoiler on the back, which is about twice as big/long as the normal ones, iīve seen on _any_ other 900T. But it seems to be a genuine Saab part according to the label, plus the first owner (my neighbour) swears he bought the car new like this, and didnīt change anything on it. So whatīs that nerdy spoiler of mine ? It makes me feel like having a big KENNWOOD sticker on my rear window... : ) 4. My heater (no AC) has only two postions: fry or freese. Even when itīs pretty cold outside, itīs almost impossible to adjust it to a decent level. The whole action of the heater knob is very spongy, and it takes a lot of attempts to open it from minimum just that tiny little bit, to get a medium heat. Does the 900 have something like a summer/winter valve some- where in itīs heating system, or is my heater valve just a wreck !? a lot of questions, i know..... ThanX anyway, ben

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