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Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2001 20:42:33 GMT
From: Nutmegger<>
Subject: Re: Depreciation (was Re: Towing)

Dave Hinz says... > >KeithG ( wrote: >: Here in the US Saabs DO have higher depreciation than comparable cars from >: Lexus, MB, BMW. The numbers do not lie. This is why they are such a good >: bargain used. > >I agree. I've been looking at the Viggen, and will be ready to buy >in a year. My '88 900T will probably hit 250,000 miles right about then, >so it seems like a good time. (I had been waiting for something major to >break, but the car isn't cooperating on that regard). Yeah, I'm in the same position. > >I'm having a hard time justifying to myself (let alone my wife), that I >should spend the 36K for a new one, when it looks like I can get a 2-yr old >one for 24K or so. That's a *lot* of difference, and since I plan to keep >the car for 10-15 yrs like I have the 900T, I can't see two years of driving >doing much to the longevity of the car. It all depends on the driver doesn't it? I sold an 86 SPG - beautiful, perfect car to a kid who had it trashed within a year. > >Of course, whoever I buy it from will have beat it pretty well while they >had it; it's a Viggen, after all. However, that's no different than how >I'll be driving it, most likely, so nothing lost there either ;) If you find a used one for sale..... People tend to hold onto what they like. ~J~

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