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Date: 9 Oct 2001 22:26:25 +0100
Subject: Re: BORING Toyota

> + On 07-Okt-01 00:18:59 +Just Bob <> wrote >>> So, five guys in each state with a turbo supra can crank past a >>> Saab. The rest of the Toyota Team is left in the dust. >> >>Bob, well bring out your Saab and play with me. It will not be a street >>race. I Autocross and have done a touch of road racing, with my old toyota. >>Would welcome any challenge from you. Its a trailer baby, but I would be >>more then happy to meet you at an Autocross or Road course event near you. >So you can build a car to beat my stock Saab. I can mod a Saab to >beat your modified Toyota. And on it goes. SAAB does not have any AWD or RWD car, and on the strip a FWD car will allways suffer from that.. >I'm not knocking Toyotas. I've owned some and they've had a few >good cars and as I mentioned, good reliability. Fact is though, my >Saab is a much nicer car, performs much better, and blows by your >stock Toyota any day in both performance, dealer support, and the >aforementioned *bore* factor. Wich standard SAAB beat a standard Toyota Supra MkIV TT ? Wich modified SAAB beat a modified Toyota Supra MkIV TT ? ..I really like SAAB too, I used to drive a 900T, but this discussion is stupid, both brands have their positive and negative points.. SAAB is very good at make qualitycars that are fun to drive, but I still bought my GT-Four coz it's so fun to drive (especially on the winter..) If I would buy a new car today I probably would choose a SAAB 9-5 Aero, but one of my dreamcars still are the Supra MkIV.. ..and probably my next car will be another Celica GT-Four.. :) ..The day SAAB make a "real" sportcar (Sonett IV anyone) or a rallycar for the road (like the Celica GT-Four) I want one..

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