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Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 18:54:23 -0300
From: Dexter J <>
Subject: Candidate? 1991 9000 CD (non Turbo)

Salutations: As many of the regulars know - I have been struggling regarding my current 1989 9000T CD.. Briefly - I have a really strong 317,500kms 2.0T engine and auto tranny attached to a pretty rough interior and slightly rusting body desperately in need of a electronics/rubber once over, a paint job that leaks water every time it rains - better part of $2,000 to fix everything.. So we have been looking at the 'donor' options and have come across: - a '92 CSE with a busted tranny and dodgy electric's - owner wanted $5,000 - we gave up having offered $1,500 - he fixed it for $4,000 and is still opening the door every time he needs to pay a toll.. - a very nice 94/95 9000 V6 with a really dead engine - run without oil to outright seizure at 60km - flat spotted tires to prove it.. This one picked up a salvage ticket and was put out to insurance auction and -still- got $3,400.. No one is sure the buyer knew exactly what he was getting into - but the interior and body were very nice.. Currently on the table: - a very rusty 1987 5 speed 5 door Turbo with an OK interior and high mileage engine.. Probably not much more than $500 to drive it away.. The thinking here is to bench and crate the current engine - move over any good parts from the current machine, do the bodywork and paint it.. Should be able to walk out around about $1,700 including purchase and I'll have many spares left over from my current 1989.. - And a new twist today - a local fellow has a 91 2.3 non-turbo automatic on the block for around $2,900.. I haven't seen it - but it has around 270,000kms and he says it's in fine shape - I'm willing to accept that he thinks so until I have a peek at it tomorrow.. Sooooo - I'm now wondering what folks thought about the 2.3 non-turbo automatic - does anyone know if it's a big deal to move the turbo over from the 2.0 (if at all possible) - or - should I bite the bullet and fix up the the 1987 or finish my 1989?.. What would you do? - You know - short of something drastic like giving up and buying a Kia.. I really like the lines on one the 91-96 CD (although no hatch and no turbo) - but - I have fresh springs in mine and there is a working 5 speed, engine and clean(ish) interior in the 1987.. -- J Dexter - webmaster - all tunes - no cookies no subscription no weather no ads no news no phone in - RealAudio 8+ Required - all the Time Radio Free Dexterdyne Top Tune o'be-do-da-day Andrew Sisters - Rum and Coca Cola

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