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Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 23:59:09 GMT
From: seelifenopsampark
Subject: Re: Feedback needed! wrote: >Well, you may be perfectly content to let Usenet descend into a >spam-zone, but I am not. Also, if you think that *this* and *your* >message are spam as well, you really need to go learn what spam is >about, why it's a problem, and what the definition is. This is one of those topics that could easily evolve into a debate. And definitions. And effects. And solutions. I feel that we are both fairly informed as to issue. (I work in the IT business, and I _loathe_ spam. I truly do. It's just as far as I know, the guy only posted once, not repeatly, and not cross-posting. Several of the 'posters' on this list frequently point to links that have items for sale that may help the original seeker of answers. Ahhh...but I already, I digress. Sorry. >> BTW, it may be commercial, but a lot of folks try to hawk their personal stuff here. > >Looked like a business to me, not some guy selling his own old wheels or >car. See the distinction? If you sell something, it's business. Yard sales, drugs, whatever. Get a dictionary if you need a definitive definition. But I know what you mean. >> It's only one posting. Much like our friend who made only one post. > >So, if every spammer posts just one post ... no thanks, I don't like >your concept of Usenet. Sounds too much like my email in-box. I don't like it either. But Usenet _does_ exist in that format. I will support any legal or ethical causes to curb, reduce, or eliminate spam, but for right now, it's totally out of control. Should it be this way? No. Is it happening nonetheless, right now? is. I hope a solution can be found. > >> Jeez...give him break. > >I did; I just bashed him publically, rather than reporting him to his >ISP and collecting the "Thanks, we've whacked him" message like I usually >do. True. That was nice of you to only bash him publicly. >Thanks for sharing your opinion; I'll give it all the consideration >it is due. And I mean that. Wow. That was mean spirited. However, I must have pressed some wrong buttons with you or otherwise you wouldn't have respond with that remark. So, I'll step up. I apologize. I'm sorry for voicing my opinion, it wasn't asked for and probably not needed. I apologize if I've caused any bad feelings. It was not my intention. I may have worded my initial response poorly and may have even allowed some emotion to became evident. Again, I'm sorry. The reason I reacted was that it seemed that you 'pasted' this guy to the wall for making one innocent comment. It was a source for the vehicles we love and I think that he was 'well-intentioned'. However, I could be wrong and I am more than willing to admit so. I suppose where I was coming from is this: Somebody 'jumping' on another because they have 'errored' in some way. It seemed like a harsh way to point out the errors of his way. So,ok, he errored. I have errored. I have made mistakes before. I do try to learn from them. My mistake. Since I don't want to waste bandwith, (like spammers!), I would prefer to let this issue rest, at least in this forum. I should not have said anything, and again, I apologize for that. If for some reason you have a follow up to this post, you will have the last word. And that's ok. I really didn't mean to 'rile' anyone up. Take care and I do truly hope that a solution to spam will be found in the near future. Again, my apologies to all. </post> </thread>

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