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Re: OT: Thinking about moving to Europe (Sweden)
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Posted by Ari [Email] (#2847) [Profile/Gallery] (more from Ari) on Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:45:03 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: OT: Thinking about moving to Europe (Sweden), KeithB, Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:00:55
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I'm going to back up a lot of what Randy said.

Note- these are all generalizations. But they're all I've got.
Most of the European countries are socialist, Sweden in particular. It's a different mindset. There is a much more pronounced 'social contract' - namely 'we've all got to live together, so that means we need to play nice'. This is a lot different than what you see a lot of in the US, which is grossly "I've got mine, I want more, and you're on your own'. There is more of a social conciousness, the realization that if you take just a little less, there will be more for everyone.

So it's much less of a consumer society. Taxes are MUCH higher, so you have less disposable income. Fuel is much more expensive. So you don't run out and buy a new car every two years, you don't buy a big house, you don't buy a big car. In general, things cost more. But, the government, for good or bad, provides a lot - health care, transportation, education, and the like.

If you can get your head around not living large - no big houses, no fancy cars, it's a neat mindset. Also, don't expect to save a lot of money, because salaries are lower and costs higher.

Language- in my experience, many more people in Europe speak English than Americans speak ANY European language (including Brit!). You'll survive without the native language, but you'll want to learn.

Getting a job may be interesting. Because of different laws, it's sometimes hard to fire people. Because of the high taxes and benefits, employees are expensive. So in some places the job market is tight, and someone who might have a bigger learning curve (language barrier, for example) may not be that attractive. But it's worth a shot.

I really have to echo Randy's thought of 'work to live'. Much more vacation, and in general, there isn't quite the same Work Like Mad, Make Lots of Money, Die. approach. Mostly because taxes are so high. Again, a gross generalization, but people don't have big houses, they have fewer, smaller cars, less 'stuff', both because it cost a lot and they have fewer places to put it. But there is more concentration on enjoyment. Lots of vacations, and usually lots more vacation time.

Lots of Europeans only know Americans from TV and tourists. Not a good start. But my experience is that if you are nice, they'll give you a chance. A big part is language. If you make the effort to learn the language, they'll do handsprings to help you. If you respect the culture, and don't go around saying 'you 'shure do things funny around here', you'll be fine. Europe is a very small place, you can easily drive across a couple of countries in a day. So most countries are used to seeing people from a lot of other countries all the time. The US is just another one.

As to weather, yeah, Sweden is dark and cold in the winter, and light and cool in the summer. But then again, so is Alaska, Maine, and a bunch of other places where you spend dollars. If you live in Florida, it will be a shock. Heck, if you live in Florida, Connecticut will be a shock. You're in New York. Heck if you're in Buffalo or Rochester, it'll mean warmer winters.

I'd go for it. If you don't like it, you can come back. It would look great on a resume. You'll learn a language.

Contact the Swedish embassy for info. There are usually very strict requirements for getting a work visa. They don't like having people in the country that aren't tourists or already have a job. Contact companies and see if they're interested.

One approach is to find yourself a nice, big, multinational company that has offices in Sweden. (or the UK, or whatever). That way you can probably come back, or try other countries.

posted by 140.157.4...

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