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More like "Chicken Little" and The Sky is Falling bunch
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Posted by UpstateNY Bill (more from UpstateNY Bill) on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 22:00:16 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: Or perhaps the "Sky is warming" bunch..., dSPG89, Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:08:16
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The very latest data shows an abrupt drop in global temperature during the past year, enough to wipe out nearly all of the global warming over the past 100 years. There are record levels of Antarctic ice, as well as a rise in Arctic ice wiping out the last four years of decline, and don't forget Baghdad had it's first recorded snowfall ever! Scientists are attributing this drop to a sudden decline in solar activity.

Ridiculous you say? Well all those alarmists carrying on last year about how the Arctic ice was down to it's lowest levels on record don't tell you that the records only go back to the 70's.

I remember all the hoopla about the coming ice age in the 70's and I'm not falling for it again. Guess what? Back in the 30's and 40's, scientists were sure we were headed for global warming. Probably in another 30 years they'll be sure we are headed for another ice age. In all probability, they might very likely be right but it won't be because of anything we are doing and there won't be anything we can do about it either. Personally, I'd rather have global warming. An ice age is MUCH more detrimental to food production and I don't think my house will stand up too well under a 1000 foot thick sheet of ice.

There was a story in the paper last year about how we have cleaned up the earths atmosphere so much that it was allowing MORE sunlight in, which was causing the global warming. Before that, it was the pollution causing the problem. When will they make up their minds??

Hey, does this mean that when they decide we are headed for another ice age, we should rip all the catalytic converters off our cars that they had us put on in the 70's so we can stop the ice age?

The ability of humans to affect greenhouse gases is negligible. All those who are carrying on about the rise in CO2 emissions aren't telling you that the science behind the numbers is leaving water vapor out of the equation. Water vapor is also a greenhouse gas, and it comprises about 95% of all greenhouse gases. When you factor that in, TOTAL human greenhouse gases amount to only about 0.28%!

Let's not forget it was reported that the temperature on Mars has also risen. I guess it must be from the Martians who stole our world secrets and are now driving around in SUV's. lol It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the sun.

In all seriousness, last year in the paper was a story about how England had a thriving wine industry up until about 500 years ago, and that now temperatures are finally warming up enough for the wine industry again. Who's to say this isn't what the normal temperature is supposed to be? I'll answer that actually. There is no "normal" temperature!

If CO2 is so detrimental to our planet, then why do we exhale it after every time we take a breath?

There was another story in the paper last year that walking to work creates more CO2 than driving your car to work. More reason to drive than walk, I guess.

I had the misfortune of having to listen to a nutcase explain to a captive mom on a school bus trip that SUV's were the most destructive force on the planet to our environment. I didn't bother to point out that you could drive every single SUV on the planet through New Orleans and not cause the damage that was caused by Hurricane Katrina.

To put things in perspective, 100 years, or even 200, is less than a sliver of a fraction of time in the scale of global climate change. When we are gone, this planet will wipe off the face of the earth practically all traces of our existence. Given enough time, probably all. We aren't destroying the planet, the planet will destroy us.

To get back on point, don't forget the story about how the old growth forests are experiencing record growth because of global warming. I thought global warming was supposed to be BAD for the environment. Aren't trees considered part of the environment? Sounds more like global warming is bad for humans. So does this mean we should do what's best for US, and NOT for the environment? Don't forget, the rainforests hold the greatest natural diversity on the planet (where it's nice and warm). Do you see a contradiction here?

Basically folks, there's plenty of contradictions to the whole global (man-made) warming scenario. Sure, we can conserve for the sake of conserving, but let's do it for the right reasons, and not in the name of a fallacious argument such as global warming. Every week I read another story in the paper about some new scientific discovery that shows the experts were wrong about such and such. Don't let yourself be fooled, this isn't any different when it comes to global climate change.

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