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Re: Why Americans dont' buy small very efficient cars...
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Posted by oldsaab (more from oldsaab) on Sun, 31 May 2009 22:45:55 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: Re: Why Americans dont' buy small very efficient cars..., Jim, Sun, 31 May 2009 16:10:48
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ah, touched a nerve I see... I wasn't talking about *YOU* but the generic YOU. I wasn't TELLING you what to do Jim, the point of the thread was "WHY American don't buy small very efficient cars..." and I was pointing out what I've SEEN and experienced.

Weekend racer? Nah, only about 6 times a year on a track.

you completely missed the point but it's ok.

I didn't say that people *were* given a car for free, I said ask them to see what they *would* choose *if* it were free. Try it sometime over coffee with your friend and see what you hear.

The tow vehicle gets about 15 mpg (we've used three different ones and this is number we experience and not an EPA estimate) and I would use it to *tow* and not as a daily driver. My point was to use a vehicle suited to the task, and I *even* gave my own personal example. One you tried to may hay with... but you missed the point. again, kindly read all of the words...

The ENTIRE point was to use a vehicle suited to the task. I can't tow a Saab 900 on a trailer with another Saab 900. OTOH, one *could* drive a Saab 900 or equivalent to work rather than the vehicle that could tow the 900 on a trailer, especially when that vehicle is driven alone the vast majority of the time and as a daily driver too. You don't have to believe me, it's on the road everyday for all to see.

again, given a choice... most would take the larger, status included, V-8 all power option vehicle, if price were not an issue. So when price *is* most will purchase as much as they can in that direction. They want that... YOU may not be doing that, but the masses are.

Yes, that half ton E-150 is out there (were you talking about the Cargo Van variant?), but that is NOT the *status* vehicle I spoke of, and I hope you understand that, I spoke of the purchase for status. You know, H2 Hummers, H3 Hummers, the cross over SUVs, F150 trucks and the equal for the other makers, QUAD Cab (really a four door car with a short bed and larger/taller/bigger engined) four wheel drive that rarely gets used, truck body based vehicles that get different CAFE requirements and make more money for the manufacturers, used as a daily driver. I know you know what I am talking about.

Yep, when gas doubled or more people bailed out of the sub 20 mpg vehicles, and YET as the costs came back to only 1.3 times before... they are not as inclined to dump the sub 20 mpg vehicles. They get used to it and tend to ease back into similar or same models. and now it's creeping back up...

your attempt to equate a police car with my valid point about daily drivers was pretty funny. You may have missed the California CHP attempt to use Mustangs several years ago. The didn't have enough room in the trunk for all of the gear they carry, and putting a couple of guys in the back seat didn't work well. Often the police have two in the car too, maybe you forgot that? In any event, they actually *need* the capability, which is again what I was talking about. Oh, if it's parked it's perfectly fine, it's not being driven... again, that was the point.

yep, the economy did improve until just recently. See if you can follow this: just because someone *can* afford to drive a gas guzzler doesn't mean it's good for the group. supply and demand was front and center just a few months ago. If 20% of the drivers are using large amounts of fuel (and they can afford it) it does impact supply and demand, and then the price for *everyone* can increase. That has a negative for the group when purchasing fuel at an increased price. I don't want to pay more because someone else is being piggish about it (and doesn't car because they can afford it), do you? Many counties on the West Coast are going through water rationing because of limited availability, if a group doesn't save because they have the money to pay the higher fees... it impacts the group because there is less to go around.

but I digress...

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